How do you choose the right tattoo artist?

A tattoo is a design, a phrase, or just a word that you placed on your skin intentionally. Now, getting a tattoo is a very personal and intimate choice for everyone. It is a way of expressing themselves to the world for many. For some, it is also a way to accept their body, cover up old scars, and just get comfortable with their identity.

With a lot of stigma around getting a tattoo and not a lot of information out there about the process, reliably getting a tattoo can become difficult. Every decision from start to end has to be perfect.

And you start by choosing the right tattoo artist. Should you choose a nearby artist or go with the one where your friend got one? Well, unfortunately, it is not that simple. You have to consider many factors and it can be a hard decision to make.

We are here to help you get a rough framework on how to choose the right tattoo shop and best tattoo artist for you. Let’s begin, shall we? Check Devilz Tattooz for best tattoo artist in world.


Now that you know you want a tattoo, the next step would be to start your research. The research should primarily focus on choosing a tattoo artist. A quick search on any social media platform or even search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing will give you a list of tattoo artists near you. You can also find reviews, ratings, and testimonials from their previous customers on these platforms.

A step ahead would be checking their individual social media pages and possibly contact their previous customers. A random pick can help you gauge how the artist has fared across their customers. Both good and bad reviews are worth checking out. You will learn whom to avoid and what to look for in other artists.

If you finalize on a tattoo shop, go further and check each of their artists. It is the artist who will be designing your tattoo. So get to know everything you can about them: their qualifications, experience, design styles, and customer feedback too.

Check before you ink

You must thoroughly investigate the tattoo artist’s art as well. Most tattoo artists and tattoo shops display their art quite prominently in parlors and social media. Take a look at their previous work. See if the work looks professional, are the strokes well done, and if the designs excite you. The designs and the art of the artist should excite you and make you want to get inked.

Getting a tattoo is quite a painful process so be very sure about the design and the artist’s style. The more you feel confident and excited, the better outcome will be. For the right tattoo experience, your artist should vibe with you in terms of style and design.

Hygiene is everything

Getting tattooed is injecting ink under your skin to create the design you want. Sounds painful? Well, it is. But while the pain will go away, infection from the wrong equipment, un-sterilized tools, and unhygienic conditions can be quite disastrous. Tattoo shops should display their certifications from the health department. 

Before you choose the artist, visit their parlor without notice. Check the bathrooms, their workstations, and the overall upkeep of the parlor. Check if the tattoo artist wears gloves, follows hygiene, and uses individual tools for each customer. This should give you a clear idea of how the hygienic the parlor is. Even if the artist is good but the parlor isn’t kept well, choosing them can be quite deadly.


The right tattoo artist should be an expert in the style of tattoo you have chosen for yourself. Each tattoo is different and the complication level also differs based on where you are going to get the tattoo done. Talk to your artist about his experience on that particular kind of tattoo design and if they have done a tattoo on that particular area. Tattoos on knees, elbows, and other sensitive areas are quite tricky. If you can, you should look for an artist who has previous experience in your kind of tattoo design and location. This would make you confident when you get your tattoo and reduce the risk of a bad outcome. Tattoos on forearm is the example of better area where it pains less.


The location of the tattoo artist’s studio or shop plays a great role in choosing the tattoo artist. The tattoo artist must be close enough to travel easily and in a crowded busy area. This will help your commute after getting your tattoo. If you go for a complicated design, you will need multiple visits. Choosing a tattoo artist who lives nearby will work best in that case. It will save you a lot of hassles and complications later on.


Finally, but also quite importantly the tattoo artist must fit into your budget. At the same time, you should also ensure that an artist who is willing to work for less does not compromise on design, hygiene, or work ethic. It has to be a fine balance between the cost and the benefits. Don’t spend too much for a fancy artist and do not compromise on the important things too. It is a one-time experience and should not be risked.

Final thoughts…

Whenever you decide to get a tattoo, think carefully and steadily about it. It is an almost irreversible process and needs a lot of careful decision making to be successful. Don’t rush into the process. Research about the different kinds of tattoos, tattoo artists, expenses, and all other risks associated before deciding. If you have any doubts at all, consult with experts or people who have gotten tattoos before. Go into it with a clear and open mind.

Happy tattooing!

Would you like to add something to the list? Please drop a line, we would love to hear from you. Do you have any more doubts? Let us know in the comments.

7 Religious Tattoos Trending in 2020

Religion has become quite a heated topic in discussions or debates these days. Not necessarily a good or bad thing but just a fact. Considering how people used to equate religion with just something orthodox and for the boomers, nowadays that notion is challenged and we see many believers around us who listen to rock music and sport tattoos too.

With tattoos being fashionable and great mediums of expression, religious sentiments and devotion is popularly represented through tattoos globally.

While tattoos, at one point, were seen as something rebellious and are at times so, with people getting religious tattoos now, it is proof that the world adapts as it progresses, still keeping beliefs intact.

Indian culture, historically, has had a culture of tattoos as a way of embracing one’s culture and roots. With the numerous religions followed in India, it is not surprising that Indian’s get various tattoos as well which act as symbols of their dedication to their religions.

So, here, we have 7 religious tattoos which are trending even today!

  1. Om Tattoo

A symbol representing the universe in the Hindu and also various other religions, Om or Aum, is one of the most common symbols of divinity of the spirit and is not limited to just a religious sentiment. Om Namah Shivaya means that universal consciousness is one. A big part of Yoga as well, it helps one to realize the centrality of their own being. With it symbolizing the three worlds, three Hindu Gods and three Vedic scriptures, the Om is not limited to religion but more so with spirituality. Hence, many people associate with it. So go for Om Tattoo and you will like it.

Shiva Tattoo

The Destroyer, not negatively but instead the destroyer of negativity, Lord Shiva is one of the most powerful deities in the Hindu religion. Renowned more for his cosmic dance, his temper and cannabis nowadays, Shiva calls out to a lot of youngsters and strong personalities who are headstrong and fight for what they find to be right.

Jesus Christ Tattoo

The son of God who resurrected from his death and has been a symbol of purity since the time of Christ. Jesus Christ has been a God that people resonate with because of the sense of survival through loyalty that he showcased. With the spirit of righteousness, the God is worshipped around the world.

Ganesha Tattoo

Lord Ganesha is one of the most auspicious Gods in the Hindu religion. The Lord who is seen as the one who takes away your worries and problems, he is often looked up to as the divine spirit who can solve one’s problems. Who would not want such a Lord Ganesha tattoo for mental support in tough times? Check Ganesha tattoo at Devilz Tattooz Website.

Religious quotes

Quote tattoos have been trending for some time now and religious quotes are not behind. From quotes from the Bible, versus from the Bhagavat Gita, to Sanskrit religious chants, all these tattoos are a great way of reminding oneself of the spiritual motivation needs to get through life.


A symbol of devotion, sacrifice and love, the cross surpasses the symbolism of religion as well. Be it the representation of your love for any religion or just in the memory of a lost loved one, crosses are a great way to convey love and dedication, be it for someone or a God.

Trishul Tattoo

The three points of the trident or Trishul represent creation, preservation and destruction. It is evident that it is a powerful symbol in Hindu religion. The Trishul is often seen as the weapon of Lord Shiva and various Goddesses. A mighty weapon, it is chosen as a Trishul tattoo that often acts as a reminder of our own might.

So, with the above example, we are sure you were not surprised and have seen many people with these tattoos. Be it that elderly neighbor who got that Om tattoo at a young age or, the biker with the Cross, religion has no age bar and surely no restricted form of expression, at least when it comes to art. Choose a tattoo freely without losing your liberal soul who knows how to balance the belief in the divine too.

Which tattoo appeals to your pious spirit?
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What makes Guys with Tattoos so Attractive?

It is commonly believed that women tend to find guys with tattoos to be charming and appealing. But ever wondered why?

Getting a tattoo done on our skin means sitting patiently for hours, braving the piercing needles of the tattoo gun and trusting the tattoo artist to complete the design with the best possible outcome.

In the Evolutionary sense, showing strength in the face of pain, committing to something permanent, being patient, and trusting the other person are qualities that are looked upon to make a person seem holistically healthy and hence an attractive option for mating.

Evolutionary biologists have in fact claimed that tattoos signify how tough we are since getting our skin pierced and healing thereafter speaks in favour of a strong immune system.

In our teenage years, girls would be attracted to guys with “Bad Boy” image and even the guys would pull up their collars to act rogue.

The reason why this “Bad Boy” image would work was because it suggested high testosterone levels, an indication of toughness and superiority over other males, therefore giving the impression of an Alpha Male.

Masculine Perspective

According to a acclaimed study conducted at the Jagiellonian University Medical College, 2,369 women and 215 men were shown pictures of tattooed and non-tattooed men and asked to rate them on their attractiveness, masculinity, dominance, aggression, potential for being a good partner, potential for being a good father, and how healthy they look. The results revealed that women think men with tattoos are healthier, more masculine, dominant, and aggressive, even if not more or less attractive than the non-tattooed men.

This study demonstrated that the physical pain of getting their body inked hints at higher testosterone levels, which in turn deems the guys with tattoos to be healthier, superior males, making them attractive candidates for mating.

Supported by the above-mentioned research study, it can be inferred that guys with tattoos seem to demonstrate the qualities of an Alpha Male, like toughness, healthy immune system and superiority in comparison to others, that in turn makes them appear attractive.

This reasonably explains why we now see more and more guys go for tattoo appointments before entering into colleges, where the competition magnifies as they want to prove their caliber, as well as attract girls.

Tattoos that Women find Attractive

Just like not all people find tattoos attractive, not all tattoos are attractive to girls and women.

For example, getting tattoos of their own name, skulls, or words like devil are indeed not appealing, and in fact, act as turn offs, in some cases even driving the potential female interest away.

Now that we have established that having tattoos speaks volumes about the guys, digging deeper, the kind of tattoo they have, what it symbolizes, size and even the body part it is on, also, has a huge role to play in rating them on attractiveness.

In some studies, it was found that big tattoos are in fact a sign of low self esteem, whereas small, minimalist tattoos reassure that the guy isn’t trying to compensate for his personality. The results also implied that women tend to like tattoos that highlight the guy’s strengths and understated qualities.

Also, women prefer a guy to have tattoos placed on their upper body, and on their undersides, for example. on their back, or underside of their wrist, such that the guy isn’t flashing them at all times.

Likewise, women find tattoos more attractive when the guy has a tattoo that is unique, and represents hidden deep meaning-something that is important to him, or believes in.

In another, rather informal poll held on social media account of Lee Roller, CEO of Custom Tattoo Design, it was found that 54% of women voters preferred men with tattoos in black ink, as compared to 17% of voters who preferred men with colored tattoos.

Connecting these dots, we can easily imagine any guy having a meaningful, minimalist, non-flashy tattoo in black ink is likely to have better chances at breaking ice in the act of flirting, having a deeply-invested conversation with  his female interest, as well as giving the girl a sense of intimacy, connection and exclusiveness in getting to know the guy like others may not.

Feminine Perspective

From the available research studies and social media polls, it can be concluded that guys having tattoos can surely influence female perception of their health, dominance and strength, as well as, able to intimidate their male competitors. It can be inferred that tattoos double up guys’ sex appeal, that proves to be advantageous in the initial stages of attraction among the girls in short term relationships or flings.

At the same time, it is also fair to reason that girls are attracted to guys on the basis that they could endure the constant pricking, hold still for a long duration, and heal well after, to have one or more body parts adorned by artistic symbols, traits that are, in fact, considered Feminine.

Balancing the Masculine and Feminine

Putting it together, we can say that tattoos on guys not only enhance their Masculine qualities, as it reflects upon their strong immunity and resilience, proving that they can withstand adversity, but also, seen from Feminine perspective, they showcase traits like trust, patience, endurance, appreciation for art and beauty, which reflects value for relationships.

Apparently showcasing such balance of Masculine and Feminine traits, tattooed guys can be considered to be more likely to easily attract, as well as more successful in developing sense of connection with the girls or women they may want to woo, opening up prospects for entering into long-term relationships as well.

Devil’z Tattooz
Kraayonz Tattoo Studios